5 Steps To Manifest Anything Into Your Life


At least once a day, you hear about someone manifesting success into their business and life, but hardly ever, you hear about how they did it. Everyone just seems to want to keep their secret to success to themselves. That’s why I want to teach you the method that I’m personally using in my life and how you can manifest success into your life too!

Manifestations are used to bring dreams, wishes, and desires from your mind into reality. By regular meditation creating a clear vision onto the screen of your mind backed with a positive mental attitude towards that vision and a positive mindset, you can attract anything in life. Changing your mindset and therefore your belief system is the first step. You want your focus to be on your goals and on what you have, instead of what you don’t have.

If your mind craves something specific and you believe it is possible, it has the power of “manifesting” it into reality.

Here are 5 steps to manifest anything you want, which I will explain in closer detail:

1.     Clear and precise goals – what is it that you truly desire?

2.     Daily mediate over your visions and envision how it feels when you get there

3.     Work towards your goals – it goes hand in hand with manifestations

4.     Practice gratefulness on the things you already have

5.     Each time you are thinking about it, get clearer on your feelings and visions. Observe how your vision makes you feel? Does it excite you?

If you want to learn more advanced practices on how to manifest your desires into reality, speak to one of our lead trainers click here.

When you long for something, you need to be clear about it. 

Set goals and visualize them. The details matter.

Instead of wishing for randomly attracting more money in your business, focus on visualizing exact numbers and think of ways how to achieve them. That’s what manifestation is – letting it all unfold onto the screen of your mind before it even happened.

For example, when setting goals, are you using a tracking system to measure your progress? Can you see yourself checking off each milestone, one by one?

Then envision what it would feel like receiving or seeing those goals unfold onto the screen of your mind. Create clear visions. Practice experiencing the feeling as if you have already achieved it. If you haven’t experienced the feeling of having it, how do you know what it’d feel like, once you get there?

Think of it in form of energy. Everything in the world is energy.

Now, consider a magnet: it attracts what it wants – the opposite pole. Similar to energy, energy attracts other energies. If you are longing for it and attracting it, you will receive it. Still unclear about manifesting your dreams into reality? I have a dedicated training every Sunday. Click here to get more details.

What I described is the law of attraction. 

If you keep worrying over the same thing, chances are you will experience more of it. Focusing on the negatives will attract it, because you’re using all your energy to – manifest it.

Focus on what you have, focus on the tools towards it, and the steps that are needed. 

Focus on visualizing being already there, and practice gratefulness towards your progress. Read about the power of gratitude in my recent blog (insert link) and how it’s used for a successful life.

This is where positive thinking, affirmations, and therefore, manifestations come into play.

Emotions carry strong energies and strong vibrational energy.  The stronger a vibration, the quicker and stronger you will experience your manifestations. 

It will take time to regularly implement this, but this is one of the most powerful tools to teach yourself not to take on other people’s energies.

Now that you’ve learned about manifestations, practice it yourself in 5 steps:

1.     Choose your desire – clear and precise 

Answer these questions to yourself once you’ve found something:

Is it really what you want? 

Does it feel right when you visualize having it?

Is it for the greater good for the ones around me and myself?

2.     Choose your environment wisely – remove your blocks

Caution with negative thinking

The people you surround yourself with and whether they’re uplifting you

Stay patient – Rome wasn’t built in one day

Is anything holding you back?

3.     Visualize your manifestations

Focus and pour your energy towards your goal

What are all your senses experiencing?

What are some of the details of your desire that you want?

4.     Work towards your manifestation – Develop an action plan

Follow your instinct when it comes towards decisions and your manifestation

What are some short-term girls that you expect to achieve towards your end goal? If you don’t achieve those, look at your decisions and go back to those points

5.     Practice appreciation – value each step of your path

Keep practicing your visualizations and taking the right steps, but don’t forget what you receive and the success from even the smallest things

Connect the dots – success of one step could be connected with your overall success, value it and be grateful 

The more you utilize this method, the more you will experience its power. The more you will experience the power of your mind. 

If you want more, consider enrolling in my inner-circle application program, 7-days completely complementary because we are serious about our training. I will personally coach you and help you implement these powerful techniques in your business 

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Team Rob N. Zweerman

Rob Zweerman has collected his experiences in life and business from the last 10 years in one book. This book is called “The 7 Step Blueprint to Success”, and it’s your masterplan to wealth, success, and significance. In order to live in the reality of your true destiny, you must consistently guard your mind against all self-defeating thoughts. Grab Your Copy Here.

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