3 Principles to Live by

We all heard it: you have to follow your passions, because if you follow your passions you don’t have to work a day in your life again. That’s generally the goal and the dream of many.
How do you get there?
#1 You need to know what you want and be clear about your goals. Be clear about what you want to achieve. Have a vision in mind, even when failure happens.
#2 Choose a role model. Someone you admire and who can show you the direction of how to build your way. Whether it’s Tony Robbins, James Denley, or Les Brown. You want to pick someone who has a vision and a voice that sends it out to their audience.
#3 Build a route to get there. It’s been said, that the value lies within the journey, not the goal itself. That’s the area where you will grow the most.
You are always going to operate from your passions and goals.
Many hats
You may have heard the phrase: you can be anyone and do anything, but you can’t do everything.
It’s essential to build a reliable team that you trust. All successful entrepreneurs have multiple team members, who they give full access and trust within a specific area.
Think of your role model: they look like they’re doing everything; however, they’re not. They have a full team behind them. Your role model knows their limitations and what they can and can’t do; that’s something you will need to learn. Once you’ve discovered your limits and boundaries, you are one step closer to your goal. After recruiting team members who will focus on their tasks, you can finally only concentrate on your own.
Clients of mine who used this when either building a business or already having one, had major breakthroughs and their numbers skyrocketed.
Here’s why: It’s because they could finally focus on what they do best, instead of having to split their strength and time on multiple things. Your brain can only focus on one thing at a time; otherwise, it’ll start lacking quality in all areas.
Law of small things
During less productive days, you may feel that everyone is unhappy with you. That’s when it’s important to focus on the law of small wins. This could range from getting out of bed, making it, brushing teeth, to eating breakfast, and nourishing your body.
Such a mental checklist can tell your brain that you were still successful and productive, even if you don’t feel that way. Crossing things off of that checklist will signal success to your brain, which in return makes you feel happier.
When focusing on the small wins, you will also be able to achieve bigger goals.

In my last article, I was talking about how gratitude will enhance your balance mentally and physically. Same here: by being grateful and checking smaller things off that list, you feel grateful for what you have achieved and for life itself. Your brain will start to release endorphins more often, which will make you happier overall.
To change your perspective, check this out:
If you have a strong vision and can be grateful for things that you already have in life, the things around you, and you know this is not spring, but a marathon, allow your vision and purpose to pull you forward.
This perspective will prepare you for either outcome, whether it’s a loss, a small win, or a big one. No matter what, you are being pulled forward as long as you keep your vision, even if it changes.

Team Rob N. Zweerman
Rob N. Zweerman has been an entrepreneur for over 10 years, and has personally built 6 businesses that have sold a combined $1.5 million worth of products and services. “I got started when I was 24 years old and living pay-check-to pay-check. After years of failure, I discovered that I had my business up-side-down”.
Instead of using the next great tactic, Rob relies on strategies developed from real experience in the marketplace. Having worked with everyone from solopreneurs, to influencers, to large scale organizations, Rob has created a track record of massive results. Rob now specialize in helping highly motivated starters and entrepreneurs double their revenue and impact in 12 months or less, without sacrificing a lifestyle of freedom following a unique approach to growth, and financial security.

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